Monday, January 24, 2005

Issue # 1 - Step into the Darkness Pt1 (Pages 5 - 6)

Close as he drops his head and we see the darkness of his iris and a milky white in his pupil similar to the way dog’s eyes are.

4 years ago.

Page 5.

1. A man wearing a delivery mans outfit stands in the hallway of an apartment building and presses the buzzer for apartment 5A. He is perspiring, nervous.

2. He glances behind him

3. Down the corridor and behind two walls there are five men.
Behind the wall to the right is a man with grey, clooney style hair and a thin face; he is smartly dressed with a shirt and tie he is in his early forties. This is Elite Criminal Defence (EDC) Senior Agent Marcus Reese.

Beside him is a younger man, early thirties, dressed in stylish clothes; he has cropped blond hair, long sideburns and a small beard on his chin. He is tall with good looks and an appearance that suggests confidence in himself. This is ECD Agent Steven Shaw.

On the left hand side behind the wall are two Police Officers wearing SWAT outfits one is crouched and looking at a mirror which shows him the door where the ‘delivery man’ stands, the other is bent down peering at the mirror round his colleges shoulder. Beside them is a Hispanic man in his mid fifties, he has the frown of a short-tempered man and sports a handlebar moustache. His cloths are that of a stereotypical detective with a shirt and tie and long raincoat. He is slightly over weight and his face is a picture of contempt; this is Detective Roberto ‘Bob’ Rodriguez.

Okay... looks like nobody’s answering the door and we have to answer it for them. Does everyone know the drill?

Yeah, my guys go in and you take the credit. Got it.

Page 6.

1. As above, now with all the men looking at Reese. Rodriguez hates each word that comes from Reese’s mouth.

Detective, this man is extremely dangerous. Last week somebody sent two men to kill him, one is dead and the other is missing a hand. If this goes badly, it’ll go very badly.

I’ll ask again everyone ready?





2. Close on Reese and Shaw as they turn to one another.

Between you and me boss, how bad could this get?

3. Reese considers how he should answer.

Honesty… I’m surprised we’re not dead yet.

4. Door to 5A. There is now no one in front of it.

Page 7.

A man in his late twenties stands in the centre of a room and loads a gun that he holds in his left hand. He wears a black double shoulder holster with one gun already inside the left shoulder


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