Monday, January 17, 2005

Issue # 1 - Step into the Darkness Pt1 (Pages 1 - 4)

Page 1.

1. A man dressed in black combat style clothing runs along a rooftop; a black bandanna that comes down over his nose masks his face. This is Philip Shade operating as the Shadow Seed. It is night and Shade moves swiftly and efficiently.

John, are you there? I’m in trouble.

Page 2.

1. Shade jumps down to a lower rooftop

JOHN (Radio):
I’m here, what happened?

2. Shade walks towards the roof access door on the building he jumped down to. It is dark so the door is heavily shadowed.

Their dead John, all of them are dead.

JOHN (Radio):
My god… how…where are you?

3. Shade stops cold and suddenly.

I’m at one of our buildings I’m-

JOHN (Radio):

4. Close on the door, we see it is damaged at the lock.

5. Shade pulls out his weapon, a stylised Bo Staff, and adopts a combat stance.

JOHN (Radio):

John… their here.

Page 3.

1. Shades chest explodes in a ball of pure light, he cries out in agony as the blast hurtles him across the rooftop.

Page 4.

1. Shade leys slumped against a wall on the rooftop with smoke rising and blood seeping from his chest. His mask is torn in a line up his left cheek.

2. Close on shades face as a well-manicured hand lifts his mask off.

So this is the infamous Samurai the legendary Shadow Seed? After all the hype this is just a bit of an anti-climax.

3. Shade’s weak and battered head rises to look at his assailant. He has coal black soulless eyes that are dim with the approach of death.

4. Shade sees a blurred figure of a small white haired man in a white suit, his eyes are white and spherical suggesting glasses and he looks down on Shade. Beside him is a taller man also dressed in white, but this time in a body suit with unseen emblems and attachments, the tall man hols a smoking golden coloured gun in his hand.

Welcome to the 21st Century Samurai. The time of the sword and the staff is long dead… just as your own time is.

5. Shade is left slumped against the wall his hand now clutching and the wound in his chest as blood runs from it. His face is tired, grim, determined, and bitter all at once.

6. Close as he drops his head and we see the darkness of his iris and a milky white in his pupil similar to the way dog’s eyes are.

4 years ago.


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